Here are a couple cards I made, I used the threading water punch that I won from Patter's blog That was too cool to win and I'm hoping to play with this punch a lot. I really haven't done too much scrappin lately. I've kinda been a bit lazy.....but I've done some reorganizing and purging, so at least I feel like I'm accomplishing something!!
On too some non-related scrapbook news........My son made the varsity basketball team at his school in Vegas!!! Way too go Jordan!!! I was definitely more nervous than he was to find out if he made the team. I was hoping that he would have stayed here and gone to my old high school and played ball for the Panthers like I did, but he's in Vegas and making the team with that kind of competition is just plain AWESOME!!!! So, instead of being a Panther, he's a Wildcat!! That's close enough!! So, I'll be burnin up the interstate to watch him play ball....and super excited about it!
So, enough of this, I'm off to watch the most recent episode of True of my guilty pleasures