Saturday, January 8, 2011


That is definitely the ONE LITTLE WORD I have settled on. Here are a few things I want to focus on this year.

1)Using my time more wisely, not watching as much tv, scrapping and creating more, participating in scrappy challenges.

2) Eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis, eating clean 6 days a week and getting to the gym 4-5 times a week.

3) Meal planning and cooking better.

4) Improving myself spiritually, spending time daily in the scriptures, praying with more focus and sincerity, and listening for inspiration and insight.

5) Learning to use photoshop and digital scrapping better, and on a more regular basis so that these techniques and concepts become easier and more natural.

6) Spending more family time, with my parents, being more connected with my daughter.

7) Getting outside and enjoying nature, taking advantage of living within 45 minutes of Zion National Park and go hiking more.

8) Keeping the housework caught up and kept up so that it's not such a time sucker on my Saturday.

9) Serve more, in my church, my community and with my family. Give of my time and efforts to help someone else.

Well, those are just a few things I want to focus on this year, I've never participated in Ali Edwards OLW class, but kept hearing about it and liked the idea of choosing a word to concentrate on during the year. I hope this will help...I have procrastination issues and can get really lazy at times, I'm tired of it and know that I can accomplish so much more if I quit wasting time on unimportant things. Now, wasting time doing something that I enjoy or can learn from or get some great ideas from ex: blog hopping, etc well...I don't consider that a waste of time!!! ;)


  1. Love your word and the layout!!!!

  2. great layout! good luck with the goals!

  3. what great goals!! also love the lo!

  4. Great layout and I love your word! Good luck with your goals.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your OLW! That is a really great word...and a great LO! Love the embossed piece!

  6. I love the layout and your word! I like the idea of one word to focus (no pun intended) on too. Seems so much easier :)

  7. love the layout! Best of wishes with your goals! :)

  8. Sharla...this is a wonderful word!! Love it! And all your similar to mine. I need to learn Photoshop:)

  9. That is a great word! And really great goals to aspire to! I wish you the best of luck in accomplishing these goals. You can do it!=)

  10. Great goals and a lovely layout! I trust putting it all down on paper strengthens your resolve to achieve these goals!


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